20 april 2023

Press release: Tanis sets world record for 'largest gummy bear casting'


Tanis sets world record for 'largest gummy bear casting'

Oosterhout, The Netherlands - 20 April 2023. This afternoon (CET), the Guinness Book of Records confirmed that Tanis from Oosterhout, The Netherlands had made the world's biggest gummy bear. The gummy bear was then unloaded, laid and weighed and, at over 1,728 kilos and measuring 2 ½ x 2 x 1 metres, it is now officially the largest in the world! Employees of the family-owned company - which develops state-of-the-art production lines for international manufacturers of gummy and jelly candies - are all 'Crazy about candy production' themselves and think it's great that the attempt has succeeded!

Indeed, it was not a foregone conclusion that the world record attempt would succeed. After pouring the huge candy mass on Tuesday 11 April, it had to harden properly to avoid collapsing and this proved to take longer than expected. Never before has a gummy bear of such volume and size been made, so it was difficult to estimate in advance how much time it would take. Now that the bear is loose and the record attempt has succeeded, Tanis is going to work out who gets to eat the gummy bear, as a prerequisite for maintaining the record is that the 'candy' is actually eaten. But first, visitors to the international trade fair 'interpack.com' in Germany can view the world's largest gummy bear at Tanis' stand. 

About Tanis
Tanis has over 25 years of experience in assisting international companies in providing processes for candy production. Machinery, knowledge, guidance, inspiration; Tanis has everything you need to produce jellies and gummies - in any shape, texture and flavour and with special ingredients. Tanis is one of the biggest players in the international market of gummy and jelly candy production and is even the market leader in the United States. The company supplies more than 350 factories worldwide from its locations in Oosterhout, Made, Sydney and Salt Lake City. See www.tanis.com for more information.